Stem Cell Program

The human body is composed of the smallest living units called “cells,” totaling approximately 50-100 trillion. These cells form various organs in the body, each with distinct functions, such as muscle cells, liver cells, nerve cells, and bone cells. As we grow from childhood to adulthood, these once robust cells begin to weaken. When cells weaken, it leads to various illnesses.

Stem Cell Program

Stem cells are the body’s foundational cells, capable of self-renewing and replacing damaged cells. While humans naturally have stem cells to repair the body, this repair process can become incomplete as we age. As we grow older, the number of stem cells and collagen decreases, excess pigment takes longer to be eliminated, and the skin becomes thinner and more sensitive, leading to wrinkles, deep lines, and hyperpigmentation. These are signs of aging.

By increasing the amount of high-quality, fresh, and live stem cells, we can rapidly stimulate self-repair, similar to youthful cells. This treatment helps achieve brighter, more youthful skin, reducing wrinkles and dark spots.

Currently, medical science increasingly uses stem cells in anti-aging and beauty treatments, alongside body rejuvenation and disease treatment. Stem cells repair various body parts, including skin structure, by generating new cells to replace old ones. They continuously self-replicate for extended periods, effectively resetting the skin’s structure (Skin Healing Process). This process rejuvenates skin fibers, replenishes both the outer and inner skin layers, and stimulates collagen and elastin production, improving sagging skin with deep wrinkles, resulting in youthful skin once again.

Functions of Stem Cells

  • Increase fibroblast cells, which produce collagen and elastin fibers.
  • Stimulate the activity of growth factors, promoting the formation of new collagen fibers.
  • Enhance antioxidant activity, which combats cell degeneration in the skin.
  • Strengthen the dermis layer of the skin.
  • Repair and rejuvenate the skin, reducing wrinkles and making the skin look radiant and youthful.
  • Heal scars or acne scars.

Steps in Stem Cell Treatment

  1. Consultation: Consult with a doctor to assess skin issues and analyze skin conditions in depth to determine the number of stem cells needed (units: million cells), based on individual conditions. The doctor will decide on the treatment plan, which may include additional treatments to enhance effectiveness.
  2. Ordering Fresh Stem Cells: Place an order for fresh stem cells 5-7 days in advance. The lab will select fresh, live stem cells grown under optimal conditions.
  3. Treatment Session: On the appointment day, the face is cleansed, and a topical anesthetic is applied for about 45 minutes. The doctor will then inject stem cells into targeted areas to correct and fill in deep lines. After the treatment, you can go home immediately without needing recovery time.

Additionally, stem cell treatment is suitable for those preparing their skin for tightening procedures with Ulthera SPT Program or Thermage FLX/Thermage CPT. Well-prepared, strong skin at the cellular level enhances the effectiveness of these skin-tightening treatments.