Sculptra & Radiesse

What is Sculptra?

Particles of Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLLA) are classified as Collagen Biostimulators, meaning they are injectable substances that stimulate our body’s natural collagen production process. This helps to rejuvenate the skin by making it firmer and improving its quality. 

***Sculptra is the world’s first collagen stimulator to be approved by the USFDA.***

In the human body, there are various types of collagen, but the five most important and commonly found types are:

  1. Collagen Type I: This is the most abundant type of collagen in the body. It provides structure to the skin, blood vessel walls, and tendons. It is strong and resilient, helping tissues maintain their shape and elasticity while protecting them from tearing. This type is abundant in the skin, contributing to its elasticity and smoothness.
  2. Collagen Type II: This type of collagen is predominantly found in cartilage, such as in the ear cartilage, rib cartilage, and trachea. It functions to support weight and provide strength to joints during movement, absorbing impacts to prevent injury.
  3. Collagen Type III: This type of collagen is less common and primarily works in conjunction with Collagen Type I. It is found in the skin, muscles, and blood vessel walls.
  4. Collagen Type IV: This is a specialized type of collagen found in the basement membrane of various organs, as well as in the connective tissue surrounding muscles and fat. It facilitates the exchange of substances between tissue layers and supports the function of the nervous system and blood vessels.
  5. Collagen Type V: This type of collagen is found in the cell membranes, such as in the cornea, and works with collagen in the skin, hair, and nails. It is also prevalent in the tissues of the fetus and placenta, helping organize skin cells and promote the growth of fibers in the skin layers.

How does Sculptra work?

  • Sculptra is mixed with sterile water and injected into the deep subcutaneous layer of the skin.
  • The skin will appear fuller immediately after the injection due to the volume of water injected.
  • Within 2-3 days after the injection, the water and other components will be absorbed by the body, leaving only the particles of Sculptra, which may cause the deep lines and wrinkles to reappear temporarily.
  • However, Sculptra begins to stimulate the body’s immune system, attracting macrophage cells to surround the Sculptra particles and signaling fibroblast cells to gather around.
  • Fibroblasts are stem cells that produce collagen fibers, which are the main components of skin structure, making the skin stronger and firmer.
  • Over time, the Sculptra particles gradually disappear, leaving behind collagen fibers that accumulate and restore the skin’s structural strength in the long term.
  • Sculptra helps lift and firm the face and improve skin quality for up to 25 months.
  • It stimulates and creates Collagen Type I, which can rejuvenate sagging, volume-deficient skin, making it look more youthful.

Results of Sculptra Injections

The results of the Sculptra program gradually improve over time, with noticeable changes starting approximately 2-3 weeks after the injection. According to product research, Sculptra can stimulate the production of Collagen Type I by up to 66.5% three months after the injection. This Type I collagen, which makes the skin look beautiful, wrinkle-free, and improved, is produced naturally from within our skin layers. Therefore, it is the best type of collagen that our body needs the most.

How many Sculptra treatments are needed to see satisfactory results?

Generally, it is recommended to undergo 2-3 Sculptra treatments to achieve satisfactory results and beautiful skin.

How long should you wait between each Sculptra treatment?

It is recommended to wait approximately 4-6 weeks between each treatment to ensure long-lasting results and improved effectiveness.

Who is Sculptra suitable for?

  • Individuals with sagging skin.
  • Those whose skin is not as firm as it was in their youth and who wish to restore a youthful appearance.
  • People with skin that lacks elasticity and firmness.
  • Individuals with an undefined facial contour.
  • Those with noticeable wrinkles that have developed with age.
  • Patients seeking long-lasting, natural-looking results.

Who is not suitable for Sculptra?

  • Individuals with a history of keloids or hypertrophic scars.
  • Those with a history of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis).
  • Individuals with skin infections or inflammation at the treatment site.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women.

How to Prepare for Sculptra Treatment

  • Before undergoing Sculptra treatment:
  • Stop taking painkillers from the aspirin group at least 2 weeks before the injection to prevent bruising.
  • Avoid vitamins that cause difficulty in blood clotting, such as vitamin E and fish oil, for 2 weeks.
  • Individuals with serious underlying health conditions or concerns should consult a doctor thoroughly before undergoing the Sculptra program.
  • Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages 1-3 days before the Sculptra treatment.
  • Ensure your overall health is in normal, good condition.

How to Care for Yourself After Sculptra Treatment

  • After the injection, patients can resume their daily activities as usual.
  • There is no need for bed rest; if there is any pain, you can apply a cold gel compress to the treated area.
  • To help reduce swelling, avoid makeup, saunas, and steam rooms for 24 hours.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight and UV rays until the swelling and redness have subsided.
  • Avoid other cosmetic procedures for about 2-4 weeks after the Sculptra treatment.
  • After the Sculptra treatment, it is recommended to massage the treated area to help disperse the PLLA particles evenly across the face and stimulate collagen production in the treated areas.


What is RADIESSE®?

RADIESSE® is a filler made of CaHA (Calcium Hydroxylapatite microspheres), a substance naturally occurring in the body, found in bone and tooth tissues. However, the CaHA used in Radiesse is synthetically produced to create CaHA microspheres that are identical to the natural substance in the body. These microspheres are uniform spheres measuring 25-45 microns, injected into the skin layer to stimulate collagen production and provide a scaffold for new skin cells to adhere to, resulting in firmer, tighter skin with a strong skin structure.

In the human body, there are various types of collagen, but the five most important and commonly found types are:

  1. Collagen Type I: This is the most abundant type of collagen in the body. It provides structure to the skin, blood vessel walls, and tendons. It is strong and resilient, helping tissues maintain their shape and elasticity while protecting them from tearing. This type is abundant in the skin, contributing to its elasticity and smoothness.
  2. Collagen Type II: This type of collagen is predominantly found in cartilage, such as in the ear cartilage, rib cartilage, and trachea. It functions to support weight and provide strength to joints during movement, absorbing impacts to prevent injury.
  3. Collagen Type III: This type of collagen is less common and primarily works in conjunction with Collagen Type I. It is found in the skin, muscles, and blood vessel walls.
  4. Collagen Type IV: This is a specialized type of collagen found in the basement membrane of various organs, as well as in the connective tissue surrounding muscles and fat. It facilitates the exchange of substances between tissue layers and supports the function of the nervous system and blood vessels.
  5. Collagen Type V: This type of collagen is found in the cell membranes, such as in the cornea, and works with collagen in the skin, hair, and nails. It is also prevalent in the tissues of the fetus and placenta, helping organize skin cells and promote the growth of fibers in the skin layers.

The Radiesse Filler program is a filler that stimulates the skin beneath the surface, enhancing its effectiveness in five comprehensive ways:

  1. Increases Collagen Type I by 150%
    Enhances skin elasticity, prevents tissue tearing, and aids in wound healing on the skin.
  2. Increases Collagen Type III by 130%
    Stimulates the production of Collagen Type III, which decreases with age, improving skin elasticity, and making the skin look smooth, firm, and youthful again.
  3. Increases Elastin by 260%
    Adds elasticity to the skin, stimulates the essential structure that makes the skin more flexible, and strengthens the skin structure, preventing wrinkles.
  4. Increases Proteoglycan
    Boosts skin hydration by stimulating the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, making the skin firm, plump, and elastic.
  5. Increases Angiogenesis
    Enhances the creation of small blood vessels under the skin, improving nutrient delivery to the skin, resulting in healthy, rosy skin.

The aforementioned five benefits of the Radiesse filler program result in three superior outcomes for users:

  1. Healthier Skin
    The Radiesse filler program improves overall skin health.
  2. Younger Appearance
    The Radiesse filler program helps users look younger, restoring a youthful appearance.
  3. Long-lasting Effects
    The Radiesse filler program extends the longevity of the skin’s results, lasting up to 2 years.

Results of Radiesse® Injections

  • Increases Collagen in 2 Types: Stimulates both Type I and Type III collagen in one treatment, which are the most desired types of collagen and are found in children’s skin.
  • Immediate Skin Volume: Provides immediate volume with more noticeable results after one month or more.
  • Long-lasting Results: Effects last up to 2 years, reducing the need for frequent treatments.
  • Immediate Usability: No need for long downtime; the face can be used immediately without inflammation because it is a substance naturally found in the body.
  • Reduced Wrinkles and Firm Skin: Smooths wrinkles and firms the skin, improving overall skin quality in an all-in-one treatment.
  • Biodegradable: Naturally dissolves over time.
  • High Satisfaction Rate: 90% of users are satisfied and return for repeat treatments.

Where can RADIESSE® be injected?

  • Nasolabial folds: Lines beside the cheeks that may deepen with age. If these lines are visible even when not smiling, they can be filled to make the face look younger and the lines shallower.
  • Marionette lines: Lines that run from the corners of the mouth down to the chin. These lines can make one look older, especially if they connect with the nasolabial folds.
  • Cheeks: This area often loses volume with age. Filling this area can lift the face, make it look younger, and improve skin quality.
  • Jawline: RADIESSE can be used to enhance the jawline, making it more defined and helping to tighten the face.
  • Temples: RADIESSE can address hollow temples that make one look older.
  • Back of the hands: Hands can look aged due to fat loss, which makes veins and tendons more visible. Filling with RADIESSE provides a natural result.
  • Décolletage: RADIESSE can smooth wrinkled skin in the chest area, making it look younger.

Who is RADIESSE® suitable for?

Suitable for individuals who want to have youthful skin, increase collagen, and add volume to the skin, especially for those who have:

  • Wrinkled skin with noticeable fine lines and deep wrinkles.
  • Sagging, loose skin that lacks firmness.
  • A desire to boost skin collagen and immediately achieve skin volume.
  • Wrinkled neck, wrinkled hands, and other areas of the body with creased skin.

Preparing for Radiesse® Injections

  • Avoid vitamins, supplements, and medications that affect blood clotting, such as ginkgo, garlic, and vitamin E.
  • Inform the doctor of any medication allergies and chronic diseases before receiving the treatment.
  • Refrain from using skin scrubs and skincare products containing exfoliating agents to prevent inflammation after the Radiesse® injection.

Post-Care After Radiesse® Injections

  • Avoid steam rooms, saunas, high temperatures, and direct sunlight for 24 hours.
  • Apply a cold compress if there is significant swelling; do not apply heat.
  • Avoid aspirin and NSAIDs for at least one week; if pain occurs, take paracetamol.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption for about 2 weeks.
  • Monitor for any unusual symptoms such as excessive swelling, redness, or heat at the injection site, and consult a doctor if unsure about any symptoms.

Our Other Services

Acne and Scars Brightening Skin Skin Tightening, Facial Reshaping and Wrinkles Freckles, Moles, and Dark Spots
Body Contouring Immune System Enhancement Hair and Hair Removal Intimate Area Tightening