MG Glow Program

The MG Glow Program involves the infusion of nutrients and vitamins into the skin using the Meso Gun device equipped with a 9-pin needle. It utilizes electromagnetic principles and vacuum pressure to deliver the treatment evenly, ensuring consistent dosage, depth, and rhythm.

Sensation during MG Glow Program

Before the treatment, a numbing cream is applied to the skin for 20-30 minutes to enhance comfort. During the procedure, the MG Glow Program may create a gentle suction feeling on the skin. Minor bleeding may occur at some treatment points, with a slight warm sensation on the skin post-treatment, typically subsiding within 30 minutes. Redness generally fades within 2 hours. The smaller needle size minimizes discomfort and speeds up skin recovery.

Who is MG Glow Program suitable for?

  • Individuals seeking healthy, radiant, and dewy skin.
  • Those with freckles, dark spots, or acne scars.
  • Individuals with dark under-eye circles.

Results of MG Glow Program

  • Improves and repairs skin structure and signs of aging.
  • Makes the skin smooth, radiant, and hydrated immediately after the treatment.
  • Stimulates new skin cell production, rejuvenating skin from within.
  • Evens out skin tone and enhances skin brightness and youthfulness.
  • Revitalizes and fights against wrinkles.
  • Boosts lymphatic circulation.
  • Provides antioxidant protection.

How many MG Glow Program treatments are needed to see results?

The MG Glow Program is recommended every 2 weeks. Your skin will become brighter, more dewy, and naturally reduce dark spots, freckles, and melasma.

Post-treatment care for MG Glow Program

  • Avoid direct sunlight for approximately 7 days.
  • Use sunscreen regularly.
  • Follow the doctor’s recommendations.