Acnet Program

What is the Acnet Program?

The Acnet Program is an affordable package designed to treat acne and improve skin clarity simultaneously. The package includes five steps:

  1. Medical Consultation: Evaluate the treatment plan with a doctor.
  2. Acne Injection: Reduce acne inflammation and prevent acne scarring.
  3. Acne Extraction: Remove clogged pores.
  4. IPL or Laser Toning: Use light or laser to reduce redness and dark spots caused by acne and decrease inflammation. The specific technique will be determined by the doctor based on skin condition and individual needs.
  5. RF Program: Reduce the activity of sebaceous glands, the primary cause of acne, or provide a moisturizing treatment to strengthen the skin, enhancing its clarity and health.

What are the results of the ACNET PROGRAM ?

Your skin will become brighter, with reduced acne marks and redness. Oiliness will decrease, and both clogged pores and inflamed acne will diminish. Noticeable differences in skin health can be observed, with stronger skin resilience. Continuous treatment for approximately 2 months is recommended.

How Does the Acnet Program Reduce Redness and Dark Spots, Making the Skin Brighter?

The intense light used in acne treatment possesses properties that target abnormal pigmentation on the skin’s surface, such as freckles and dark acne scars. Another feature of this intense light is its ability to destroy abnormal blood vessels, such as those causing acne redness. By targeting and breaking down these blood vessels, redness fades. The most prominent benefit of this intense light treatment is its ability to improve skin tone, making it noticeably brighter.

How Does the Acnet Program Treat Acne?

The Acnet Program prevents and treats inflammatory acne by using intense light therapy on acne-prone areas. The light stimulates a chemical reaction in the bacteria, causing them to release substances that kill P. Acne bacteria, the main cause of inflammation. This reduces inflammatory acne effectively and prevents new breakouts. The RF program reduces the size and activity of sebaceous glands, decreasing oil production, and the heat from RF helps expel acne heads, reducing inflammation. Additionally, anti-inflammatory injections and acne extraction provide the fastest way to remove acne and minimize scarring. If acne is left untreated, the skin cells in the affected area can be damaged, leading to dark spots and acne scars later.

How Does the Treatment Feel?

During the treatment with intense light or Laser Toning, you will need to wear protective eyewear or a blindfold to shield your eyes from the bright light. A cooling gel is applied to the skin for comfort. The light will appear as bright red flashes in sync with the laser pulses, which are safe for the skin and eyes. During the RF program, you might feel a slight warmth on your skin. The most uncomfortable part of the treatment is the injection to reduce inflammation and the extraction of acne heads. The collagen mask step is the most relaxing, involving a massage to stimulate blood flow and the application of Collagen Gel Mask.

How Many Sessions Are Needed to See Results with the Acnet Program?

You will notice brighter skin and reduced redness and dark spots after the first session. However, continuous treatment is necessary, with at least 2 months of sessions recommended for effective results.

How long is the frequency of treatment sessions ?

Acne and acne scar treatment with the Acnet Program can be performed every 2-4 weeks. Once the acne reduces significantly, you can focus on treating redness, dark spots, or enhancing skin brightness, with sessions every 4-5 weeks.

How are the side effects of the Acnet Program ?

Typically, after treating redness and dark spots, the treated areas will darken for about 2-7 days before fading. After acne extraction, some spots may experience mild inflammation.