Purify your skin with pure platinum.

Platinum PTT helps treat acne and tighten pores with “targeted thermal destruction.” The 140 nm nano-particles of platinum penetrate the sebaceous glands, causing destruction in those areas. This treatment alleviates post-treatment concerns and reduces recurring problems, while also aiding in skin rejuvenation.

Who is ACNE PLATINUM PTT suitable for?

  • Those concerned about visibly large pores.
  • Those with severe and red inflamed acne.
  • Those tired of ineffective acne treatments.
  • Those who want to treat acne and pores simultaneously.
  • Those with excess facial oil.
  • Those who want to rejuvenate their skin.

Treatment Steps and Methods

  1. Cleanse the face.
  2. Extract and inject acne according to the steps in the Acne Program.
  3. Apply Platinum PTT 1 ml only to problematic areas.
  4. Use the Phono machine or LDM machine (Acne mode) for 5 minutes.
  5. Perform laser treatment according to the acne treatment steps.
  6. Apply nourishing cream and sunscreen.

Key Points of PLATINUM PTT

No Downtime

Using pure platinum (PLATINUM PTT) eliminates the need for recovery time after treatment.


Pure platinum (PLATINUM PTT) penetrates deep to the hair root, generating heat energy exceeding 65°C, reaching areas laser light cannot. This effectively destroys hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and acne bacteria.

Safety & Stability

Pure platinum (PLATINUM PTT) is the safest metal material with nano particles as small as 140 nanometers, ensuring safe and stable treatments without adverse effects on the human body.


Pure platinum (PLATINUM PTT) deeply penetrates the innermost hair follicles, facilitating laser light and heat energy to reach deeper layers without any pain.

Collagen Remodeling

Pure platinum (PLATINUM PTT) absorbs laser light and generates heat above 65°C, stimulating collagen production by heating follicle walls.

Low Relapse Rate & Long-Term Effect without Medication

After only three treatments with pure platinum (PLATINUM PTT), acne recurrence is significantly reduced, with results lasting 6-10 months.

Post-Treatment Instructions

  1. You may feel a burning sensation for 1-2 hours post-treatment; gently apply an ice pack.
  2. You can gently wash your face and wear makeup as usual.
  3. Apply an appropriate amount of sunscreen.
  4. If dryness occurs, use a moisturizing cream.
  5. Avoid scrubbing or vigorous exfoliation.
  6. Avoid cosmetics containing retinol and AHA for at least 48 hours.
  7. Follow your doctor’s recommendations.

Possible Side Effects

  1. Itching and burning sensations during and after treatment.
  2. Minor skin dryness post-treatment.
  3. Possible occurrence of red rashes.
  4. Slight skin inflammation or irritation may occur.