Acne Away Program

The service treats acne, clogged pores, inflamed acne, and reduces acne scars, revealing smooth skin by specialized doctors from Pruksa Clinic.

Steps for the Acne Away program:

  1. Consult a doctor for treatment evaluation
  2. Cleanse the face
  3. Extract clogged pores
  4. Inject acne treatment to reduce inflammation and prevent acne scars
  5. Receive one medication based on the specific problem

What are the results of the Acne Away program?

  • Reduced clogged pores
  • Decreased acne inflammation
  • Prevention of dark spots
  • Prevention of new acne
  • Smoother skin

How does the Acne Away program treat acne?

  1. Acne extraction by clinic specialists using the correct methods, along with consultation to reduce the occurrence of inflamed acne in the future.
  2. Acne injection with standard-approved medication to reduce acne inflammation, with immediate results after the injection, along with continuous consultation and care.
  3. Reduces the occurrence of acne scars since leaving acne untreated for a long time can increase the chances of developing scars and acne pits.
  4. Receive medication based on the doctor’s assessment of each individual’s problems to enhance results and improve effectiveness.

How many sessions of the Acne Away program are needed to see results?

The program can be done every week continuously, along with following the doctor’s medication recommendations for the best treatment results. The results depend on the amount of acne and the patient’s skin issues, along with continuous care.

What are the side effects of the Acne Away Program?

  • There may be slight redness from acne extraction or injection in some cases, lasting about 1-2 hours.